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estudios clínicos dentales
Immediate occlusal loading of 47 SEVEN MIS Implants. A Preliminary report after 6 months of function with final restorations
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estudio clinico dental
Drill Performance: Erosion and Corrosion Tests Summary
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estudios clínicos dentales
Bone changes above and below the implant- abutment junction of subcrestally placed implants after 1 year post-delivery from a RCT
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estudios clínicos dentales
Physical characterization of 3 implant Systems Made of distintic materials with distintic surfaces
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estudio clinico dental
Survival and Success of MIS C1 Implants - Interim Results of a Field Study.
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estudios clínicos dentales
Use of stay-in abutment to minimize crestal bone remodeling
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estudio clinico dental
3 mm Subcrestal Implant Placement with a 4 mm Long One-time Abutment. A Report of 3 Cases.
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estudios clínicos dentales
Crestal bone changes around early vs. Conventionally loaded implants with a multiphosphonate coated surface: a randomized pilot clinical trial
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estudios clínicos dentales
Early loading after 4 weeks of C1 implants with a B+ treated surface: effect on marginal bone level
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estudios clínicos dentales
A Novel MultiPhosphonate Surface Treatment of Titanium Dental Implants: A Study in Sheep
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estudios clínicos dentales
Strength and Durability of V3 Implants
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estudios clínicos dentales
Using BONDBONE® as a composite in post extraction sockets with immediate implant placement – everyday practice.
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